Vanbrugh Castle School

1960's Photographs

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Photographs from the 1960's

Probably late Spring 1966. Westcombe Park Road outside the Wing.
L to R : David Barlow, George Poutney and Alan MacFadyen on their way to the dentist.

Mr Cheesman (Cheesy) the school handyman (taken Summer term 1966). Everyone liked Cheesy and he was very jovial and rarely barked. He took a group of boys to the Valley football ground to see Charlton Athletic versus Manchester City. That was their half term outing.

(L to R) Richard Haig, Arthur Rodgers and Terry McConnell at the beginning of the summer term 1966. Photo taken outside the Games room (used for choir practice, band practice, cubs, gym work, Speech Day and the American Party. It is located where the old summer house once stood.

(L to R) Richard Haig, Arthur Rodgers and Kevin Mulligan – Summer Term 1966 outside the Games Room. Arthur Rodgers became a teacher at VCS and later moved to The Duke of Kent School at Ewhurst.

Jonathan Clellford and at the far right is probably Huxley. Taken about 1965.

The one day half term holiday in the summer of 1962. Pictured (l to r) Robert Campbell, his cousin, Kevin Mulligan. Photograph taken at Tower of London. The school caps included a winged motif with the letters VCS. Previously the badge was just the three letters intertwined.

Kevin Mulligan on the igloo climbing frame located near the old air-raid shelter. The play area (donated by The Variety Club) included swings and other climbing frames as well as a duck pond. Photo taken about 1964 (Spring or Winter).

Kevin Mulligan in the summer of 1966. He says he wasn’t much of a cricketer but reckons at least he looked the part!

Kimber, Galvin and Rashid 1966.

(L to R) Graeme Meece, ‘Chook’ Fowler, John Elliott (at very back), Arthur Rodgers, Robin Jakeman and Nigel Grayston kneeling at the front. Photo taken in the Spring term of 1966 behind the new classrooms (5th Form) – a strictly out of bounds area.

Paul McCann with the new classrooms to the right and the playground in the background. There was also a couple of cricket nets there during the summer

One of two weekends were spent at rock a climbing school in Surrey (1964?). From left to right – back row – Tyekiff, Mulligan From left to right – seated – Meece, Saunders, McCann and Fowler.

The school band at the American (Christmas) Party in December 1961. At the back (L to R) is Thirsk, Bradford, Banbury, Fenner, ?, ?, Addison From row (l to r) ?, ?, Mulligan, ?

The school nativity play probably in 1964. Kevin Mulligan playing the second king and a boy called Jones is the first king. ‘Mary’ is being played by Richard Haig. Not sure who the other king was. The plays were conducted on the stage (5th form) of the new classroom block. This was also used for fortnightly film nights, Harries versus Cordingly plays and quizzes.

Terry Galvin 1966

The slip machine for practising catching at cricket with Colin Thirsk (L), Paul McCann (middle) and David Barlow (R). Probably summer term 1966.

A boy (Colin Thirsk?) in dormitory in The Wing.

Colin Mulligan 1969

Duncan Brown 1970

Speech Day 1969

Speech day on the 26 July 1969. Lord Portal came to present the prizes.
L to R : Ian Black, Michael Leghorn, ? , McConnell, ? , Blake (right, side on & who was very brainy & went to Christ's Hospital School), behind him partially obscured, is Start.